Club Shows

Schedules For our next show will be available when they are published by clicking here.



Sovereign Pekingese Association (Founded 2018)

Club Officials

Patron - Her Grace the Dutchess of Richmond

President - Mrs G Godwin

Chairman - Mrs B Oades - email brendaoades@aol.com

Vice Chair - Mrs S Penman

Secretary - Mrs K Fredman - email karen.fredman@gmail.com

Treasurer - Mr M J Stokes - email mjstokes@gmail.com

Overseas & Yearbook Secretary - Mrs K Fredman - email karen.fredman@gmail.com

Cup Secretary - Mrs J Driscoll


Mrs K Fredman - Mrs G Godwin - Mrs B Oades - Mrs S Penman - Mr M Stokes - Mrs J Driscoll - Mr S Goodwin - Mrs C Davenport - Mrs P Benson - Mrs A Offiler - Miss S Small - Miss G Small - Mrs C Rogers